On to Regionals!

Happy Valentine's Day & it is the weekend too!
Have a great day!!

Good morning Beaverton Community. This morning, we did have a bus break down during its' run. The bus did not have any students on it when it broke down. We did send a spare bus. All students are safe and sound. However, we did run little late due to the circumstances. Thanks in advance for your understanding.

Congratulations to our random drawing winners for Count Day. Shelby Samuel from Beaverton Elementary and Malory Greenacre from the Jr./Sr. High School. Shelby is pictured here with Mr. Bassage, Elementary Principal. Malory is pictured here with Superintendent, Joseph Passalacqua.


Have a great day!

Thoughts for the day...BINGO!!!!!

Beaverton Schools will be closed on Monday, February 10, 2020 due to slick roads.
The plows will not be out in time to clean off all primary and secondary roads before the morning commute.

Friday, February 7, 2020
To all Parents/Guardians,
Lockdown training
This post is to inform you about a lockdown training that we had this morning. Our schools are committed to the safety and education of all our students. We also want to clearly communicate with parents about safety issues when they arise. Today’s lockdown was just a drill.
Lockdown procedures were followed and the police were involved. This was a collaborative effort between the schools, the Beaverton & Gladwin City Police Department and Gladwin County Police Department.
Sometimes, secure mode and/or lockdown situations can frighten students. Please discuss this situation with your children and let us know if follow-up is needed at school.
Thank you for your understanding.
Please feel free to call either building if you have any questions or concerns.
Joseph Passalacqua

Let that sink in!

Be a PeliCAN!

Happy 100's day to all of the students at Beaverton Elementary.

It's that time of year again! Kindergarten and young fives Roundup is right around the corner. It is April 16th and April 17th. Call the Beaverton Elementary office today to schedule an appointment. 989-246-3020

Happy Friday!

Could you do better?

Do you have an imagination?

Mr. Passalacqua is presenting about Beaverton’s Marshall Plan Grant and the future of Beaverton Schools at the city’s Town Hall Meeting.

Please join us at the City of Beaverton Town Hall Meeting at the Beaverton Activity Center on tonight at 6:30 pm. This will be an interactive meeting to discuss the Project Rising Tide results, the new proposed Master Plan, the start of the process for reviewing our existing zoning ordinances for amendments, etc. Please bring your smartphones! We need and welcome your participation! Refreshments will be provided.

New week...new goals!!!

Wrestling team finishes in 3rd place at the Mio Invite yesterday:
Seth Onweller- sixth
Hunter Schaefer- fifth
Caleb Thomason- fourth
Jacob Cassiday- first
Jake Fischer- first
Aaron Wentworth- first (beat a ranked wrestler
Garrett- second
Reuben Adams- second