Attention Students at BJSHS Grades 6-12! The Bleacher Creatures need YOU! Let's get the school spirit going with these themes for the home boys basketball games. Themes for Nov/Dec are posted below and the girls schedule will be coming soon! At each game, we will be looking for the student with the MOST school spirit to give a spirit award to! This is a fun way to get involved and increase our school spirit. You can get in for a discount/free at the 11/25 game by bringing canned goods. Student Athletic Passes can be purchased in the office for just $50! It pays for itself in just a few games! Show up and show off your Beaver Pride! HS student interested in joining the bleacher creature committee should reach out to Mr. Colman! They meet weekly to plan these fun events! #GoBeavers
3 months ago, Erica Sprague
Boys Home Game Bleacher Creature Themes
Exciting News! The 9-12 SGA, Bleacher Creatures and Beaverton Athletic Department are proud to host a Thanksgiving Food Drive for the home opener Boys Basketball game on Monday 11/25. We are asking students in grades 6-12 to bring in canned veggies for $1 off their ticket into the game. Three cans will get you in free! This offer is only good for 6-12 students who will be in the student section, but we will accept canned food donations from anyone else who would like to benefit the community during this holiday season! Help us fill up the student section AND our local food pantry! See you at the Game 11/25 @ 6 PM Bleacher Creature Theme is Wear Red/Wear Jerseys! #GoBeavers
3 months ago, Erica Sprague
SGA Food Drive 11/25
BJSHS Announcements: November 14, 2024
3 months ago, Renee Inscho
Announcements 11-14-24
THAT’S THE TICKET: The holidays are looming. For everybody with those impossible-to-shop-for friends and family, how about a Beaverton Athletics season pass? Applicable to all BJSHS-affiliated sports, you can pick them up at the office at a cost of $125 for a same-household family; $75 for adult individuals; and $50 for students. #NoSocksThisYear
3 months ago, Rusty Govitz
Striving to be the best school in mid-Michigan
BJSHS Announcements: November 13, 2024
3 months ago, Renee Inscho
Announcements 11-13-24
LEADERS: Monday's inductions to the Virginia Ross Chapter of the National Honor Society saw the BJSHS group grow by 15 deserving new members, including (back row, l to r) Braeden Hargrove, Riley Sprague, Reed Sprague, Benjamin Zdrojewski, Alivia Harrell, Libby McKimmy, Tommie Murrell, Jordyn Schultz and Myah Hubble; and (front row) Sayde Woodruff, Jane Carland, Sophie Milks, Jaelyn Giner, Shaye Dull and Isabelle Dodman. Kudos to the new members and #GoBeavers.
3 months ago, Rusty Govitz
Striving to be the best school in mid-Michigan
MAKE A DENTAL NOTE: Parents and guardians, don’t forget that the Dental Bus will be making its annual visit to Beaverton Schools Nov. 18-20, providing kids with the opportunity for checkups, cleanings and X-rays as needed. Students in grades K-8 were given consent forms to bring home, and those need to be returned to the school ASAP; if you need a new form, stop by the school office. #DentalHealth
3 months ago, Rusty Govitz
Striving to be the best school in mid-Michigan
STAR TURN: Hats off to our BJSHS Students of the Month for October, including (l to r): Jordyn Schultz, Sophia Moore, Curtis Price , Brady Cross, Alexander Somers, Cecilia "Cece" Coppola, Damian Watters, Wyatt Budry, Danielle Cornell, Eric Sherman, Kynlee Dolan and Willow Jacobs. Not pictured: Zayla Stoike and Dominick Schatten. Congrats, students, and #GoBeavers.
3 months ago, Rusty Govitz
Striving to be the best school in mid-Michigan
Have you heard about the B-Positive Club at Beaverton Jr/Sr HS? We have been promoting monthly themes for our students to reward positive behavior. November’s theme is to “B-Kind” and students have been encouraged to participate in acts of kindness in their homes, school and community. They will be reporting these acts to their WIN teachers and will be rewarded at the next B-Positive assembly on December 2nd! In honor of B-Kind month, we would also like to celebrate World Kindness Day on Wednesday, November 13th. World Kindness Day will be celebrated around the world on November 13, 2024. First introduced in 1998 by the World Kindness Movement, World Kindness Day offers an opportunity to highlight good deeds in the community and the common thread of kindness. We are inviting staff and students throughout our district to wear yellow in support of kindness around the world. It’s a great day to spread kindness!
3 months ago, Erica Sprague
World Kindness Day 11/13
WELL-DESERVED: Congrats to BJSHS senior David Abreu, this year's winner of the DAR Good Citizen Award. He was selected by staff for numerous admirable qualities, including dependability, service, leadership and patriotism. David and his family were welcomed at a celebration for local DAR winners in Midland last week and, as always, represented Beaverton very well. Great job, David, and #GoBeavers.
3 months ago, Rusty Govitz
Striving to be the best school in mid-Michigan
BJSHS Announcements: November 11, 2024
3 months ago, Renee Inscho
Announcements 11-11-24
SHOW OF RESPECT: Today's BES salute to our veterans was respectful, heartfelt and excellent. Here are a few photos from the event, but you can watch the whole assembly at #ThankYou #GoBeavers
3 months ago, Rusty Govitz
Striving to be the best school in mid-Michigan
Striving to be the best school in mid-Michigan
Striving to be the best school in mid-Michigan
Striving to be the best school in mid-Michigan
Striving to be the best school in mid-Michigan
Striving to be the best school in mid-Michigan
Striving to be the best school in mid-Michigan
Striving to be the best school in mid-Michigan
Striving to be the best school in mid-Michigan
Striving to be the best school in mid-Michigan
BJSHS Announcements: November 8, 2024
3 months ago, Renee Inscho
Announcements 11-8-24
A PROPER SALUTE: Don’t forget about the Beaverton Elementary celebration and recognition of our local veterans today starting at 1 p.m. in the gym. All our local heroes are invited to join us early for light refreshments beginning at noon. And for everybody else, make sure you join us via our livestream at the Beaverton Schools YouTube channel at #Gratitude #BeavertonAlways
3 months ago, Rusty Govitz
Striving to be the best school in mid-Michigan
BJSHS Announcements: November 6, 2024
3 months ago, Renee Inscho
Announcements 11-6-24
BJSHS Announcements: November 5, 2024
3 months ago, Renee Inscho
Announcements 11-5-24
A LITTLE EXTRA HELP: Beaverton Schools is partnering with Varsity Tutors to offer FREE live online learning access to all sorts of new valuable resources to our students. Whether it’s checking into weekly live classes, chatting with a tutor about a tough assignment, on-demand essay reviews or self-study practices, there’s bound to be assistance you can use at no cost to the student. There are also supplemental private tutoring options for students at a discounted rate. As of right now, the program is available to students in grades 6 through 12, but we’ll also be offering it to elementary students in the near future. Learn all about it and get logged in with Varsity Tutors by visiting
3 months ago, Rusty Govitz
Striving to be the best school in mid-Michigan
IT’S AN HONOR: Our students at Beaverton Elementary will once again pay tribute to all the veterans in our community with our annual Veterans Day Assembly this Friday, Nov. 8, at 1 p.m. at BES. Please help spread the word to let the veterans in your life know that we’d be honored if they would join us. Our students and teaching staff have been preparing for several weeks and if you’ve attended in the past, you know this event is something special. Additionally, a light reception will be provided for community military members starting at noon. (And if you’re unable to attend, you can catch the event streaming live on the Beaverton Schools YouTube channel at Thank you, veterans, and we’ll see you there. #Respect
3 months ago, Rusty Govitz
Striving to be the best school in mid-Michigan
Have you heard about the B-Positive club!? Each month we have a theme to reward different kinds of behaviors. So far, we have honored good attendance (September) and good behavior (October). This week kicks off "B-Kind" month and we are promoting acts of kindness both inside and outside of school. Students can report their act of kindness to their WIN teacher to be entered into this month's assembly prize! Be on the lookout for kindness at BJSHS and encourage your student to reflect on what it means to B-Kind! #gobeavers
3 months ago, Erica Sprague
B-Kind month at BJSHS
BJSHS Announcements: October 31, 2024
3 months ago, Renee Inscho
Announcements 10-31-24